Electricity pricing

You can expect nothing but competitive rates from us. But, let's be honest, power company pricing is pretty confusing, right?

To make it super simple, send your latest bill to us and we'll do the sums and let you know how much you'll pay.

We offer simple plans based on your usage, location and meter setup. We also have a day/night tariff that will be perfect for those awesome people with EVs – cheaper rates at night so you can recharge your battery for less while you sleep.

Toast Electric Power Tariffs

All prices are excluding GST, and are valid from 1 June 2024.

Low user

Best for smaller households and/or those with gas heating using less than 8000 kWh/year

Daily charge
Solar BuyBack*

Standard user

Best for larger all-electric homes using +8000 kWh/year e.g. +$150 in summer and +$250 in winter

Daily charge
Solar BuyBack*

Low user

Best for smaller households and/or those with gas heating using less than 8000 kWh/year

Daily charge
Solar BuyBack*

Standard user

Best for larger all-electric homes using +8000 kWh/year e.g. +$150 in summer and +$250 in winter

Daily charge
Solar BuyBack*

* Solar BuyBack is for electricity exported through your meter to the grid

Understanding our rates

Daily charge

This includes the fixed charges that your local lines company and meter provider charges Toast to supply your electricity.


Power to an uncontrolled meter is supplied 24/7 at single tariff. This usually supplies everything in the house except sometimes your hot water cylinder or other separately wired appliances.


Power to a controlled meter can be switched off by your lines company when there’s high demand in your neighbourhood – sometimes called ripple control. Your hot water cylinder may be wired to a controlled meter and you’ll get a lower rate for this occasional “inconvenience”.


Power to a composite meter is a mix of the uncontrolled and controlled meter in one. Your hot water cylinder is on the same circuit as the rest of the house but can still be switched off. You get a rate that’s between uncontrolled and controlled if you’re composite wired.

Standard user

Best for large (3+) all-electric households who use more than 8000 kWh/year – approx. more than $150 a month in summer and $250 a month in winter).

Low user

Best for smaller households and/or those whose main heating source is gas or wood.

Day/Night plan

Higher rate during the day and up to half-priced power at night. Good for households with an EV and those that use more than 30% of their power between 9pm and 7am.

Solar BuyBack

Solar BuyBack is for electricity exported through your meter to the grid.

Joining Toast is easy

Signing up to Toast is so easy: you don’t even have to contact your current supplier – we’ll take care of it all.

Phil has been with Sustainability Trust since the beginning of time and eliminating energy hardship has been his passion for even longer. He loves what we’re trying to achieve with Toast Electric and has made it his mission to ensure that Wellingtonians don’t have to choose between heating and eating.

Caroline is the type of person who likes to have all her bases covered - like a warm fuzzy merino shawl. She knows her stuff when it comes to numbers and is super proud to be part of the only not for-profit power company in the country.

Sarah has been working in marketing and communication in the non-profit sector for over 20 years and loves going home at the end of the day feeling like she is making a difference in the community. She loves a good pun and thinks Toast is the best thing since sliced bread.

Sarah has been working in marketing and communication in the non-profit sector for over 20 years and loves going home at the end of the day feeling like she is making a difference in the community. She loves a good pun and thinks Toast is the best thing since sliced bread.